Logan is a huge city, with 70 suburbs, 45 polling booths and over 200,000 voters!

To make a positive change, we need your support. Jon Raven, a dedicated advocate for Logan, is running for Mayor, and we’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers like you to help us make a difference!

Many hands makes light work and there is plenty of work to do between now and election day on the 16th of March  😁

Thank you for being interested in helping. There are plenty of ways for you to get involved.

Spread the word

This is often underestimated, but it’s so important. If you’ve met Jon or you follow him on social media please spread the word to the people that you know and interact with.

Word of mouth is incredibly powerful and it’s free! Because of the election expenditure caps we have to be very careful how funding is spent, so the power of you talking to your friends, work mates, community groups, neighbours and faith groups cannot be underestimated!

It’s never too early to start letting people know that you think Jon should be the next Mayor of Logan. If every supporter speaks to 3 people a day about this it will make a huge difference 🙏


Has Jon helped you in the last 8 years? Did he do something that made a difference and really impressed you?

We’d love to hear from you so you can do a written or video endorsement for Jon to share on this website and social media. 

Written endorsements can be as long or as short as you like and a video endorsement only needs to be 15-60 seconds long and can be filmed on your phone.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of any election campaign and we need as much help as we can get especially during early voting and election day. 

With 45 polling booths to set up and run for election day we’d like to have 10 volunteers on each booth throughout the day which means 450 people or more to help!

Volunteers can help Jon and still volunteer for a Councillor or candidates running for Division if they’d like to support both 👍

There are plenty of ways to get involved depending on what you’re comfortable with:

  • Letterboxing
  • Sign site installation and maintenance
  • Campaign logistics
  • Phone banking
  • Early voting polling booths 
  • Election day polling booths
  • Digital campaign support

We make volunteering heaps of fun and connect volunteers as a community of legends who are working to help Logan achieve its full potential with Jon as Mayor.

Sign Site

Do you live or have a business on a major road or intersection and would like to have a Jon Raven for Mayor sign on your fence? Contact Jon now!

Due to the election expenditure caps we need to focus our signs on high visibility and traffic areas in the first instance and then if we have spare signs we can spread them out to other areas 😊


Mayoral campaigns are expensive! The expenditure cap is just over $180,000 and there are a lot of additional costs that are not included in the cap meaning we are hoping to raise at least $250,000.

These additional costs outside the cap include things like supplies for volunteers (water, sunscreen, food, pens, clipboards etc), campaign office costs, election day party and other costs which help make the campaign possible but don’t directly influence voters.

If you’re in a position to donate a little or a lot all donations are gratefully appreciated.

There are rules around who can donate (no developers or their close associates), but other than that anyone is welcome to contribute. Click the link below or give Jon a call to organise your donation!